Friday 2 October 2015

One Piece Theory #2

Powers of Gorosei - The 5 Elder Stars

These 5 old guys are basically the leaders of the world government and by that it means they rule the entire world. These 5 guys have complete control over the Marines, Cipher Pol and they even decide who should be granted the title Shichibukai and they can even take away the Shichibukai title away. So they are literally the strongest men alive and their battle scars proves my point.

To begin with, we have absolutely no information about them not even their names are known. These guys seem to know a lot about the history of the ancient kingdom, the void century, about the "D", the poneglyphs and much more. Which make me wonder are they really as old as they look or is there a something else to it.

How Old Are These Men???

You may say, knowing about some 1000 years old history does not mean that they are too old than they look now. Well this is where it starts getting a bit wired, its like these guys are hiding something or more like they are covering for what happened in the void century. I say this because they ordered to kill all the archaeologists in the ohara after having a chat with Professor Clover about the poneglyphs. It was just because they are studying the poneglyphs and trying to uncover what happened in the void century. To know more in detail about it read one piece chapter 394 and 395 youll have a better picture about what in trying to say here.

So what im tell is they are really realllllllly old, may be they are among the people who waged a war against the ancient kingdom and they may be even their leaders back then. And I say this because there is yet one ancient weapon to be revealed the URANUS which im guessing that these Gorosei have in their possession.

There are 3 ancient weapons in the one piece world, Pluton, Poseidon and Uranus.
Pluton is a battle ship which is capable of mass distraction which may be thousand sunny that is because franky had the blueprints of pluton and he may have built the thousand sunny based on the blueprints of pluton.
Poseidon was a mermaid princess who lived in the void century and had the ability to talk to the sea kings.Now the Poseidon is princess Shirahoshi. See the conversation between Robin and Neptune below.

Uranus is the only weapon we know nothing about and it may be because it is in the hands of Gorosei. These weapons are like god weapons which has enough power to destroy the world and so far for Pluton and Poseidon they have such destructive powers. Uranus may have the power to control life which may explain how these Gorosei lived so long and may be close to immortal. Which also mean that, if they acquired immortality back then during the war with the ancient kingdom they havent aged at all. On the other hand if Uranus gives a prolonged life its likely that 100 years ( or even more ) may by like a day, a week, a month or may be just a year in terms of the lifespan obtained by the powers of Uranus.

What Kind of Powers They May Have???

As i said we know nothing about them and their powers, except for one being a swordsman because he is always seen with a sword with him. From my previous theory about the Future of Black-Beard Pirates we see the Gorosei  having a conversation after the marine ford arc and here is one image from it.

They dont seem to be surprised to see a person having 2 devil fruit powers or a least bit worried about this. They say they have no records of a man having SUCCESSFULLY consuming 2 devil fruits, which makes me think that they know that a person can have more than one devil fruit abilities. Which then brings me to think that, what if they themselves have more than one devil fruit abilities. Which may be the case seeing how relaxed they were after getting such news.

Now that assuming that they have more than one devil fruit abilities you may ask just how many powers do these Gorosei have??? Well Gorosei literally means 5 elder stars and based on this its possible that these Gorosei have 5 different powers 3 devil fruit powers with its awakening mastered, mastery in Haki like Haoshoku Haki A.KA kings Haki and other types of Haki to it fullest and Rokushiki ( also known as the six powers used by CP9 in Enies Lobby ) mastered to it highest level.

3 Devil Fruits :-

There are 3 types of devil fruits in the one piece world and they are Paramecia, Zoan and Logia. Now to see how these three powers worked when combined, just imagine Luffy who is currently having a Paramecia type devil fruit making him a rubber man also has mythical Zoan type ability of Marco the Phoenix and a Logia ability like Ace. He would practically be a unstoppable force if he is able to use then all at the same time.

I think these Gorosei  guys would be the same and have devil fruits abilities perfectly matched with their fighting style and skills. Now they look powerful right... well that only makes 3 powerful abilities there is yet another 2 at their disposal.

Haoshoku Haki ( Kings Haki ) and Other Types of Haki :-

There are 3 types of Haki they are Haoshoku Haki A.K.A Kings Haki ( sovereign haki ), Obversation Haki and Armament Haki.


In the above Silver Rayleigh the "Dark King" explains all the forms of Haki.

Haoshoko Haki A.K.A Kings Haki :-
Haoshoku Haki is a power only one in several million people posses and cannot be acquired by training. Its said that whoever posses this power will have the ability of a king. Now then the Gorosei....kings of the world... makes scene right. To prove my point i have others who posses kings Haki and were the kings, like Boa Hancock the emperss of Amazon Lily, Donquixote Doflamingo is the former king of Dressrosa, Portgas D Ace is the son of pirate king, Silver Rayleigh has the epithet of  "Dark King". This type of Haki can be used to dominate over the will of others, and so far in the series we have seen this power being used to exert the willpower of the user onto those with weak wills and rendering them unconscious. We may see other uses of this Haki as the series progresses.

Obversation Haki :-
This type of haki is also called Mantra and was first introduced in skypia arc. This haki allows the users to sense  the presence of others and if fully mastered, it allows the user see others even if they are concealed from view or even if they are too far away to see naturally. It also allows the users to predict their opponents next move even before they make it, and making it easy for the user to evade them.

Armament Haki :-
It allows the user to create an invisible armor around themselves and protects the user from physical damage which could cause a great deal of damage if armament haki is not used. It is also a very important type of haki since it can be used by the user when he is facing a devil fruit user.

These Gorosei  guys make have mastered all forms of Haki and can easily use them like it second nature. This may be the reason that these guys have no fear of devil fruit users and already have a strategy to counter them using Haki.

Rokushiki ( six powers ):-

It is a special superhuman power and in Funimation dub it is also known as 6 powers. This is the fighting style used by the CP9 agents in Water 7 and Enies Lobby arcs. This power consists Geppo ( moon walk ), Tekkai ( iron body ), Shigan ( fingure pistol ), Rankyaky ( tempest kick ), Soru ( Shave ) and Kami-e ( paper art ). There is one more power which is attained when all the above 6 powers are mastered its called Rokuogan ( six king gun ) and its the most ultimate power of Rokushiki ( six power ) style of combat. Im not going into detail about these powers because it will make this post way too long than it already is.

So these are the 5 types of powers 3 devil fruit ( paramecia, zoan, logia ) with its awakened powers mastered, Haki of all types fully mastered and Rokushiki ( six powers ) having full mastery over it. They may have perfected all these powers to its ultimate level and they may also use all these powers simultaneously. This may show how these Gorosei  have managed to rule over the world and hide the secrete of the void century for almost 800 years.

Why Dont They Find The Poneglyph and The Ancient Weapons Themselves???

As i said before these Gorosei dont want the world to know about the ancient weapons and the history of the void century and they may have been useing other pirates to do their dirty work for them as i explained in my theory about The Future of Black-Beard Pirates. When it come to the poneyglyph, they really have no use for it because they already know everything about the history and whats written on it. The only thing is that they dont want other people reading it and knowing about the ture history.

Then there are the ancient weapons Pluton, Poseidon and Uranus. Since Pluton is a battle ship the Gorosei may have already built one or even have the ancient battle ship and have hidden it somewhere. Uranus its assumed that they already have possession over it and are using it to control their lifespan. Poseidon is the only weapon that they dont have because its a living being and may have a lifespan of 100 years ( just assuming, it may be even more or less ) and after Poseidon dies it may be reborn somewhere else and the world government dont know its location and about princess Shirahoshi being the ancient weapon Poseidon.

This may be reason that they are still remained silent and didnt make their ultimate move and searching for Poseidon this whole time. May be they need all 3 ancient weapons for their master plan to work and they may have a plan of conquering something even more divine or something similar. I say that because they already rule over the entire world and havent done any major thing since the started ruling the world, it may show that their waiting for something and that may be to capture Poseidon which can talk to sea kings and has control over them.

Since They Are This Powerful Why Dont They Go Against Each Other???

There may be a reason for them not to act that way. It may be that each have some very important information about the ancient weapons its safe to assume that they will not be going against each other and since each one having separate information about these weapons they will need each others skill set to reach their desired goal, so this may be the reason  they cant attack or even kill each other. Or may be they just need someone of they age to talk to...

Either way we will know more about these guys as the series progresses and we may get a demonstration of their powers and their true motive for creating the world government and destroying the ancient kingdom. Till then we just have to follow the series and hope for some amazingly mind blowing adventures.


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