Monday 28 September 2015

One Piece Theory #1

Future of Black-Beard Pirates.

These theories are based on speculations and I dont have enough proof or evidence to prove my point.

The Gorosei make their move.

Well to begin with we know very much close to nothing of black-beard past.There is only a picture of him crying alone like.... something very terrible happened in front of him and he somehow managed to escape and had no reasons to live since he was unable to do nothing back then.

Usually these people will have a weak mindset and are easy to manipulate.Now this is where the Gorosei make their move.Since Black-Bread or Marshall D Teach is one of the "D"s the Gorosei may have used him and filled his head with all non-sense stories and trained him.

Why Train Black-Beard???...

Think it like this... If a evil person having the reputation of a very nobel and a trust worthy man, how can he set his evil plans to action??? Simple use the criminals,either by force,bribing, manipulating ( as in the case of black-beard ) or may be some other means. 

Now this is the conversation the Gorosei had after marine ford.Take a look at the black circled conversation to the right in the image below, notice something.... It seems like the Gorosei's were waiting black-beard to make his move.This may show that black-beard may have some sort of connection with there Gorosei's.

Now take a look at the conversation circled in the left in the image above.Its like they knew that one person can have more than one devil fruit ability and its likely that thay trained other pirates is the past and the pirates may have failed them for some reasons.The secrete of how to obtain more than one devil fruit ability may be known to these Gorosei's and they passed down the knowledge and some other very important information's to whom ever they decided to train.

Why does no one know about this happening???

It may be like... They train only one at a time and leave him in the grand line to gather his own crew and if that pirate failed their mission given by these Gorosei, they may have killed the pirates without any trace or evidence ( as far as I can think of ) or something else happened which made them disappear leaving behind nothing even their memories disappear or fade away ... then start training the next pirate.

Take a look at the conversation to the extreme left from the first image, it explains why choose black-beard A.K.A  Marshall D Teach  and while your at it see the one marked by the arrows, it shows that they fear the "D"s are being exposed too much to the world and they may expose the world government and their true motives.

Long story short Black-Beard is been used by the Gorosei's like a someone working for them from behind the scenes to search for the ancient weapons because hay who want wealth and other stupid things when just 5 old men have full control and authority over the entire world government.... 

Lets come back to our original subject The Future of the Black-Beard pirates.

The Black-Beard pirates are made of some really psyched up and very very crazily dangerous crew members who dont even hesitate to kill their fellow crew mates without a moment of hesitation, that alone shows how freakishly strong black-beard is since he has all these crazy people following his orders under him.To make matters worse Black-Beard only chooses the strongest one available to be a part of his crew. So you can imagine how strong Black-Beard may be.

From here on I dont have any evidence to prove my theory it purely based on my speculations...
Well im guessing that we will not see the straw hats vs the black-beard pirates until we are somewhere in the midpoint or even just before the midpoint in the raftel arc.Although we may see a gimps of the strength of the black-beard pirates here and there in some arcs. 

The black-beard pirates have a huge head start compared to the straw hats and are already somewhere far in the new world and also have some crucial information about the grand line and eventually the black-beard pirates will be the first to reach the raftel island and before Teach can be named as the pirate king the straw hats arrive at it will be like the fight for the title of the pirate king.  

Eventually the straw hats will end up defeating the black-beards and Luffy will be crowned the king of the pirates. But what happened to black-beard past??? After his defeat there may be a flash back like we had after the death of Ace the only change may be that Teach will be telling his tragic past to the straw hats. Before he could tell anything more Kuzan will manage to gather last of his strength and kill Teach and have a short chat with the straw hats ( may be a emotional one ) and let them in on a little secret about the world government and pass out. After that the world government acts very fast giving no time for the straw hats to help kuzan and recovers him.Which will be strange for the straw hats since kuzan is not a part of the marines anymore.

This is why Kuzan may have resigned the marines and aligned himself the black-beard pirates BUT to act as a spy because you know the Gorosei didnt want Teach to learn the true history and ordered Kuzan to kill Teach after finding the whereabouts of the ancient weapons.

Since Kuzan helped Nico Robin and he believes in the straw hats to set things right so he decides to share a secrete that sets the straw hats to rethink about the world government, Kuzan, Teach and everything that happened before and till now. Kuzan decided to do this may be because he knew that after this incident and the events that happened there, he will be killed by Gorosei's themselves.

In the final arc the straw hats will learn what really happened back at raftel and the Gorosei's were responsible for what happened to Teach and also know that Kuzan was not killed in the war at raftel but the Gorosei's recovered him and killed him later on.

The next theory is about - Powers of Gorosei - 5 Elder Stars

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